Get Paid With Ads On Your Embeded YouTube Videos On KinerkTube

Yes it’s true, you can get more than just YouTube accumulated views and analytical play counts to your embeded YouTube videos on Underground Music Maps, you can also get paid with Ads On Your Embeded YouTube Videos. This means you can add a simple YouTube URL link on your KinerkTube social walls or in IC (Instant Chat) as well as your music maps Artist and Business pages to start maximizing your ad revenue and motnitzation goals.

Read below exactly what Google Support >YouTube Help Center has to say about Ads on their embeded videos.

Ads on embedded videos

Embedded videos may show In-stream and InVideo overlay ads. Any website or mobile app that embeds videos, including your own website or app, may generate revenue for you.

Turn ads on or off on embedded videos

If you’ve associated your YouTube and AdSense accounts and have allowed embedding videos, you’ll automatically be opted into showing ads. Note that embedded videos will honor the same ad enablement settings as videos on

If you don’t want to show ads on your embedded videos, there’s no way to directly turn off ads on embedded videos only. You may turn off embedding altogether.

Requirements for ads on embedded videos

Ads appear on brand safe sites: YouTube works diligently so that our advertisers’ brands appear on sites that reflect our respective core values. Our systems closely evaluate websites and their content against various factors when finding out whether to turn on In-stream ads on YouTube embeds. These factors include a strict set of guidelines on content like adult imagery, violence, inappropriate and hateful language, and sites that promote infringement.

Player details: We require that the video player appear large enough to promote a positive user experience. We recommend a 560×315 pixel or larger player. Also, videos should be embedded using the standard click-to-play embed and not a scripted play.

Revenue sharing for embedded videos

Only YouTube and the video owner will earn revenue from ads on embedded videos. The site owner where the video is embedded will not earn a share. You can track earnings for embedded videos in YouTube Analytics, as you would for videos earning revenue on

Google also states no Ads on 3D videos… ?

Note: Currently we are not serving ads on videos that are enabled as 3D videos.

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